The Vape Warehouse

The Brief

The Brief

Spencer from The Vape Warehouse approached West Midlands Media about taking there already successful business online as they wanted to move from just being a local company but to start offering Vape supplies all across the UK.

Having driven past there unit so many times and already knowing the brand, it was great for them to come on board with us as a customer.

After meeting Spencer and the team it was quite obvious that they are very customer focussed and customer service is extremely important so making sure this showed in the website build was very important.

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The Approach

Our approach was firstly to research and understand the business so we could get a sitemap together ready to reflect the new site. Also understand what sells the best so it can be displayed in a specific order and it makes for a better user experience too.

We designed the homepage first and passed that over to The Vape Warehouse team to critique and again with all other internal pages too. 

Then it was straight on to development where we decided to use our own WM Commerce platform as the base system as the guys found this easier to use than WordPress.

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The Approach


The Vape Warehouse logo was already designed and Spencer and the team were more than happy with the brand so it was up to us to amplify the brand on the design.

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Web Design

We were all very happy with the end result and aftter further meetings with Spencer he had confirmed sales were doing really well since going online and we have continued since to tweak the site adding new features to make life easier for The Vape Warehouse team.

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The Web Design

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